Grumpkin 2: Candy Box, Secret Lock, Glowing LED Eye 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-SA
File formats: zip,STL
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The file 'Grumpkin 2: Candy Box, Secret Lock, Glowing LED Eye 3D Printer Model' is (zip,STL) file type, size is 187.9MB.


Third picture shows innards - battery cover and small switch, wiring, and dental bands for lock spring. Fifth picture breaks down printed parts in detail.
Pictured prints are on Form1 using grey resin for body, and clear resin for glowing eye/secret lock.

The "insert" part is a battery cover for 4 button cells, which screws onto the main body with an m3 machine screw and nut. You'll need to use foil to bridge and connect the cells - and you'll also need to solder in wires and a switch. The switch can be seen on the right in the base of the third image - I used a switch from a old mouse.

It would be a significant improvement to link the switch the eye hinge/lock instead. 153.6MB
insert.STL 51.3KB
pumpkin_head_eye.STL 1.7MB
pumpkin_head_lid.STL 20.5MB
pumpkin_head_main.STL 53.1MB