GRID BROWS For IRacing 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-SA
File formats: fzz,stl,FCStd
Download type: zip

The file 'GRID BROWS For IRacing 3D Printer Model' is (fzz,stl,FCStd) file type, size is 118.3KB.


This is my DIY version of Grid Brows for iRacing. The grid brow cases are 3D printed in black PLA with 20% infill.

The electronics are 2 x strips of 9 WS2812B led strips joined by a USB cable and all running on an Arduino Pro Micro using SIMHUB

Watch the full build on my channel TOGAtech on Youtube.

Grid_Brow_Project.fzz 47.0KB
V2_Grid_Brow_Back_Plate-BodyPocket.stl 65.1KB
V2_Grid_Brow_Body-Grid_Brow_Body.stl 249.7KB
V2_Grid_Brow_Body.FCStd 32.2KB