Grand Design 22MLE Travel Trailer RV Cubby Buddy 3D Printer Model

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The file 'Grand Design 22MLE Travel Trailer RV Cubby Buddy 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 34.9KB.


This is a small shelving system for the bedside cubby holes in the Grand Design Imagine XLS 22 MLE travel trailer. There are stand-off's on each end to provide a large vertical space for tablets, iPads, etc., and on the other end to allow access to the 120V duplex outlet. The large square is designed to hold a cube of facial tissue. There is also a friction hook designed into the rear of the lower large block to hold charging cords as they pass through.

It's designed in four blocks that are printed separately (though I was able to combine block 3 & 4 on the same print bed), and then cemented together with All-purpose plastic cement. There are eight (8) files; 4 blocks for each side (Driver and Passenger.) There are also four mounting tabs designed into the "Cubby Buddy". I recommend test fitting the finished structure and then shimming the mounting tabs as necessary with washers to achieve a flat mounting against the back cubby wall. Do NOT use greater than 3/4" screws to mount this. (I used 1/2" screws to good effect.)

Cubby_Buddy_Block_1_Drvr.stl 7.6KB
Cubby_Buddy_Block_1_Psngr.stl 7.5KB
Cubby_Buddy_Block_2_Drvr.stl 27.4KB
Cubby_Buddy_Block_2_Psngr.stl 53.8KB
Cubby_Buddy_Block_3_Drvr.stl 20.0KB
Cubby_Buddy_Block_3_Psngr.stl 20.5KB
Cubby_Buddy_Block_4_Drvr.stl 14.1KB
Cubby_Buddy_Block_4_Psngr.stl 13.8KB