My take on a Google Home Mini mount. I needed to be able to mount in any orientation including upside-down in a discrete place. I added screw holes for size 8 (or approx M4) screws in case hard mounting is preferred. Otherwise the main method of mounting is double sided tape.
Update V1-1:
-Added a full solid back version of the mini mount, for more surface area for double sided tape.
-Increased the opening in the hooks so that the power cord can be plugged in inside of the hook as well.
-Changed the taper near the base to allow for cleaner prints without additional support material.
Update V1-2:
-Changed the origin to import in the correct print orientation, for novice users
-Made the initial slope at the base even more gradual, to make printing easier across more printer types.
-Doubled the polygons on the print for a more continuous circular object.
GoogleHomeMiniASM.STEP | 4.5MB | |
MountGoogleHomeMiniASM.STL | 9.1MB | |
MountGoogleHomeMiniV1-1.STL | 1.5MB | |
MountGoogleHomeMiniV1-2.STL | 2.7MB |