Find a nice display box, or platform (hobbystores online etc)
Resize the model parts to fit your display box/platform
Print the models, bend the tail part by heating it shortly! with a lighter.
Base coat the models
Glue them in the most dramatic scene on top of the platform
Paint the Godzilla and dry brush him
Paint water around the models use dark blue for the undisturbed sea
Use lighter blue and white paint around the ships and Godzilla model
Add "Still water" ontop of the paint. (transparent glue should also work)
To make the water splash up you can use tissue paper in combination with the "still water"
Make small rolls of tishue paper and place them in the "still water" substance where you want the waves to be.
Let the still water dry a little bit and use a toothpick to pull up the tissue paper from the water surface, and shape them into waves
Add more layers of still water.
Let everything dry completely before putting on the top part of the display (otherwise the "still water" / glue will condensate on the inside of your display!)