“Gobble” Strategy Board Game 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-SA
File formats: DXF,STL
Download type: zip

The file '“Gobble” Strategy Board Game 3D Printer Model' is (DXF,STL) file type, size is 24.0KB.


A spin off of the popular board game "Gobblet"

Summary: Players take turns placing or moving gobblets. The first person to get 4 spaces in a row, in any direction, occupied by their color wins.

Rules and a description of the game play can be found here here.

Enjoy. It is a very fun, competitive, strategy game and also very easy to print.

Board.DXF 93.2KB
Largest_GPiece.STL 20.6KB
Med-big_GPiece.STL 19.8KB
Med-small_GPiece.STL 17.9KB
Smallest_GPiece.STL 8.5KB