The file 'Gloomhaven Monster: Bandit Guard 3D Printer Model' is (blend,stl) file type, size is 46.6 MB.
Here's a nice fast one! I remixed MZ4250's Assassin NPC into a Bandit Guard for use in Gloomhaven! I changed around the hood and cloak a bit, giving him more of a bandanna instead of a scarf, and put appropriate weapons in his hands. This is still 99% MZ's excellent model; I just changed around the details a little bit to fit my needs. Since he includes the blend files for his models (which makes them much easier to work with!), I'll happily include my modified version, too!
Well, photos of unfinished prints are rarely flattering, and this one's no exception! I've got a lot on my plate, but I'll try and get these guys cleaned up and painted so that I can post a nicer photo for this thing!
GloomhavenBanditGuard.blend |
GloomhavenBanditGuard.stl |