The size of the box without ribbon is 55x55x21.
Ribbon-top and ribbon2 must be glued.
All parts must be printed in vase (spiral) mode.
Advantage: short printing time, low material consumption, thin ribbons, flawless surface (no Z-jump)
Top layer at all parts = 0.
For the parts ribbon-top, ribbon1 and ribbon2, the bottom layer is also = 0. Good heated bed adhesion required.
Bottom thickness: 0.65 (1x 0.2 + 3x 0.15 - should differ only slightly)
Nozzle and line wtdth: 0.4
Layer height: 0.15
If there is a problem with the vase (spiral) print of the ribbon-top, the ribbon-top can be printed as well:
Vases Mod: off, top and bottom layers = 0, wall line count = 1, infill density = 0
Box-bottom.stl |
Box-top.stl |
ribbon-top-v2.stl |
ribbon-top.stl |
ribbon1.stl |
ribbon2.stl |