This flower was created in OpenSCAD for an art project and was not originally intended to be 3D printed. I did decide to make some modifications to the code and generate some printable files. The flowers and leaf sets are paired together so that they fit. The petal and and leaf counts are based on Fibonacci numbers, a common sequence found in nature which is why I decided to base my flower off of it. It also uses only two simple shapes, a square for the petals and a kite for the leaves. Because it is parametric, everything is customize-able, however I do not recommend straying too far from the settings I have set because I haven't found it to look as good in other settings, but feel free to explore.
Flower.scad | 2.4KB | |
Flower_1.stl | 508.2KB | |
Flower_2.stl | 743.1KB | |
Leaf_1.stl | 658.5KB | |
Leaf_2.stl | 809.9KB |