“Gear Box” 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-SA
File formats: stl,pdf
Download type: zip

The file '“Gear Box” 3D Printer Model' is (stl,pdf) file type, size is 499.2KB.


An artistic box in the shape of a gear!

In the place of the shaft is a mirror that artistically simulates a hole passing through the box. The two sides of the box are held together by magnets. (Perhaps some left over from a Voron Klicky Probe?)

The box is available in four variations:

  • 2.75 inch mirror, 6 mm dia. magnet
  • 2 inch mirror, 6 mm dia. magnet
  • 3 inch mirror, 6 mm dia. magnet

This model was made from the DXF file I used to create a logo for my college's engineering club. I really liked the proportions and thought it looked good as a physical item. I later turned it into a box to hold other printed gears from various projects.

adapter.stl 101.6KB
gear-box-275in-6mm.stl 544.4KB
gear-box-2in-6mm.stl 473.7KB
gear-box-3in-6mm.stl 551.4KB
Pattern.pdf 2.5KB
