G&C Printer – Corexy 3D Printer Model

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License: CC BY-SA
File formats: zip,stl,xlsx,123dx
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The name of the printer is G&C Printer from Good & Cheap Printer.
My goal was to design an printer that was good print quality and was cheap.
The printer use the next corexy mechanism: https://github.com/jand1122/RepRap-XY

specifications of the printer:
All structure is made of aluminium, super rigid, each side was 4 2020 bars.
Z axis all aluminium for rigidity and precision.
Easy to transport.
Support bowden, direct extruder or two direct extruders.
All electronics and core xy mechanism are hidden and protected with printed panels or acrylic panels.
Total Volume: 40x40x52cm
Real print volume: 20x20x27cm
Use 6 endstop, two for each axis.
Hotend E3D v6 little, hotbed up to 110ºC
Ramp 1.4, mega 256, 1/32 steppers, big LCD with SD card support

I have added extras that are not included in the BOM file:
Light LED
Button on/off with green light
two filament support with bearings and M8 screw
passive colling for the x,y
second E3D V6 little hotend, second hotend stepper motor and two aluminium mk8
two print cooling fan
white acrylic panels
8´ windows tablet
replaced ramps with radds 1.5, 5 x 1/128 steppers and 20x4 radds lcd

I have upload the 3d project where you can get all the necessary printed parts (123dx format). To get the parts to be printed, download for free the software http://www.123dapp.com/design, open the project g&c_core.123dx, select the part you want and export in stl format.
The bom file contains all the necessary hardware and the link where you can buy.
Uploaded the last firmware marlin (1.1.0) and repetier already configured for this printer. Note: the menu are in Portuguese, you can easy modify this.
Uploaded T-nuts printed to fix the printed panels to the printer, do not use this printed t-nut to fix the main structure.

I have used and modified several parts that are not my original design, but if you have the intention to build this printer use the parts of my upload because a lot of parts was modifications.

I have already finish to build this printer and it can easy print at 100mm/s without any lost of quality.


[14-09-2015] some update information of my tests.
The printer use bowden extruder (mk8) with hotend E3D v6 little. The ptfe tube goes from the extruder to the end of the hotend. Already have put more than 60h of printing PLA and never have any jam. But, is necessary to configure the retractions in slider correctly or else i have lot of blobs and tiny filaments. After lot of testing i found that the next configuration work well: retraction 5mm at speed 50mm/s.
At very low speed and speed superior to 80mm/s the printer have vibrations and noise in the carriage. After some investigation i found the problem is related with the lm8uu bearings, they are not tight enough/precise. To try to solve this problem i have ordered igus linear bearing, when i receive i will put the result and an video.

[23-09-2015] I have replaced the LM8UU with the igus bearing and installed 2 dampers in the x, y axis. Was result the vibration are totally gone and the noise of the carriage movement is almost none. The damper and igus bearing do not increase the print quality, but remove almost all the noise/vibrations made by the corexy movements.

[Advice] Some persons reported the igus bearings can be very problematic because they are all made of plastic and the case is plastic too. Overall the igus and plastic case are soft and can be very difficult to install. The LM8UU are metal and a lot more forgiving and easy to install.

Another problem, printing more complex object the hotend was micro stops and irregular movement, i found the problems is caused because i using a board ramps 1.4 with full graphic lcd. Simple print with not many vortex this problem do not happens. To solve temporary this i have disconnected the lcd and use octoprint to control the printer. The arduino mega do not have the computation power to move the corexy printer correctly with the full graphic lcd, using an simple 20x4 lcd the problem do not happens.
An good solution is to built the printer without lcd or with an 4x20 lcd.
Was a better solution is to use an 32 board; arduino due + radds, duet, smoothieboard, etc...

[25-09-2015] An arduino due and radds 1.5 board ordered, when i have this 32 bit board installed i will post the result.
updated boom file with upgrades information i have made.

[28-09-2015] Added list of screws and nuts need for the corexy mechanism in the bom file.
Corrected dimension of one piece that secure the Z screw at the bottom of the printer.

[29-09-2015] updated bom file, added info of missing 608zz and M4 washers

[03-10-2015] Added an direct mk8 extruder 1.75 mm in the 3d project and some missing information about the right idler. updated bom file.

[04-10-2015] Modified the direct extruder to be attached to the carriage with 4 x M3 25mm and 4 x M3 screws. There is no more need of using glue and the extruder can be rotated in different positions. Added better belt holders (they are in purple color in the file g&c_core.123dx).

[06-10-2015] Added hair spray holder to put in the 2020 extrusion. It can be used to put some tools.

[08-10-2015] Corrected errors and added more util info in the bom file.

[11-10-2015] Redesign of the Z axis, the Z motor was moved from the top to the bottom of the printer. Vantages of this change: necessary less cables for the z motor, motor is hidden and protected, better support of the bed structure, less vibrations and removed one printed pla piece used to remove the vibrations.
Updated bom file: removed one 608 bearing that is not more need with the new Z axis.
New Z axis homing test and fast moving: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ybw2uwPLdk4
Thank you David for your help.

[12-10-2015] updated bom file with information of the screws and nuts used for the Z axis.

[15-10-2015] modified the piece that connect the z screw to the bed, removed the 2 upper holes. Uploaded the repetier firmware for radds board and arduino due.

[28-10-2015] Added repetier firmware configured to use 1/128 steppers and radds lcd.
Put more 40h of printing using the 32 bit board radds 1.5 (used repetier and reprapFirmware), and all the problem of speed and micro pause are gone.

[30-10-2015] Added printed arm that secure an cheap windows 10 tablet. The tablet allow to make the sliding, controls the print process in real time. Added an new panel that allow to use an radds lcd 20x4.
tablet used: http://www.gearbest.com/tablet-pcs/pp_219480.html?vip=63969

[07-12-2015] changed the fan to cool the print:

[03-01-2016] Added project that support two hotend (E3D v6 or E3D v6 little) on the same carriage. The new carriage is on the file "two hotend.123dx". The carriage will be heavy, but still manage to print up to 80mm/s without any problems. The yellow parts (mk8 extruder) are not printed, there are all aluminium mk8 extruders. You can buy the same model on ebay for 6/7€ each: http://www.ebay.com/itm/3D-Printer-MK8-Extruder-Aluminum-Frame-Block-Steady-Frame-DIY-Kits-Reprapi3-GBNG-/151852501716
There are 2 different type of mk8, "right hand" and "left hand". The project use one left and one right.

[06-03-2016] Added white acrylic panels to all side. all panels are in the file "acrylic panels.zip"

acrylic_panels.zip 1.6MB
belt_holder_v2.stl 420.8KB
gc_bom.xlsx 18.2KB
gc_core.123dx 8.9MB
hairspray_holder.stl 2.2MB
Marlin.zip 851.9KB
panel_radds_lcd.123dx 1.7MB
Repetier.zip 366.5KB
Repetier_due.zip 427.9KB
Repetier_NoLcd_32steppers.zip 366.7KB
Repetier_radds_128_LCD20x4.zip 433.2KB
t-nuts_m4.stl 79.2KB
tablet_arm.123dx 125.9KB
top.stl 285.3KB
two_hotend.123dx 4.3MB