I was inspired by The Regulation Podcast (https://www.patreon.com/TheRegulationPod/posts) to design Gavin's Beard box so he has a more suitable place to shave his beard outside. And also thanks to u/Slimback and u/thomasofseattle on reddit for their posts that helped me in my design process.
This is the link to the mirror that's meant to be glued into the lid. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BH9DCPL1/ref=twister_B07T4V72MR?_encoding=UTF8&th=1
I haven't had time to print this yet myself but I based the printing settings based on what I would do. I believe the only spots that need supports are the nose and the underside of the head.
bottom_pin.stl | 28.9KB | |
bottom_plate.stl | 57.3KB | |
garbage_lid.stl | 442.1KB | |
Gavin_Head.stl | 8.1MB | |
lid.stl | 49.9KB | |
lid_pin.stl | 28.2KB | |
supplies_lid.stl | 367.1KB |