Garden Hose Wye Levers 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY
File formats: f3d,step,stl
Download type: zip

The file 'Garden Hose Wye Levers 3D Printer Model' is (f3d,step,stl) file type, size is 906.5KB.


Fusion 360 links for editing:

The black cover fell off the levers of my spigot wye and they're a pain to turn. These levers press on and make it much easier to use it.

They are a bit tight, so you might need to trim the holes a bit to make them snug. It might be best just to press them on really hard though; that way they won't come off, and you won't need to use glue.

Wye_Lever_Bottom.f3d 261.0KB
Wye_Lever_Bottom.step 163.3KB
Wye_Lever_Bottom.stl 409.9KB
Wye_Lever_Top.f3d 252.4KB
Wye_Lever_Top.step 178.3KB
Wye_Lever_Top.stl 424.3KB