The file 'Further Improved Fan Cover 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 22.5KB.
This is a variation on the previous hotend fan mask, addressing the fragility of the struts and strength of the connection to the hotend cover while still featuring a big, open-top air channel end for increased airflow. Still prevents stuff being sucked in, while ensuring a good airflow for cooling.
Cover clicks on, no assembly or modifications required. Be careful when installing it with turning fan; it will require some force to click in place and there is very little clearance between the back of the struts and the fan. If you push too hard, you could touch or even damage your fan. This can be prevented by installing when your printer is off.
Can be printed without supports with very fine layering (<0.12), else use supports.
fancover_upgraded.stl | 76.6KB |