Furnace + Interbellum Full Insert 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-NC
File formats: stl
Download type: zip

The file 'Furnace + Interbellum Full Insert 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 3.7MB.


This is a complete insert for the boardgame Furnace, and the expansion Interbellum. It is designed to fit inside the base game box.

Internal dimensions: 269 x 185 x 62mm

It supports sleeved cards, I use MayDay standards MDG7041's.

The playmat tray is optional, but you may find the trays slide about a bit more. If you do print it, you will need to glue it together using a strong impact adhesive, such as Evostik or E6000.

Cards_Tray1.stl 442.1KB
Cards_Tray2.stl 397.2KB
Coins_Tray1_x2.stl 2.2MB
GameTokens_Tray.stl 266.1KB
InterbellumTokens_Tray.stl 1.3MB
PlayerTokens_Tray2.stl 912.0KB
PlayerTokens_Tray_x2.stl 1.4MB
PlaymatTray_Base_x2.stl 84.7KB
PlaymatTray_EndStrut1.stl 191.0KB
PlaymatTray_Endstrut2.stl 191.0KB
PlaymatTray_MiddleStrut.stl 122.7KB
PlaymatTray_SmallStrut_x2.stl 86.6KB
ResourceTokens_Cogs_Tray.stl 918.6KB
ResourceTokens_Tray_x3.stl 887.0KB