Fully Printable Turntable 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-SA
File formats: ino,stl
Download type: zip

The file 'Fully Printable Turntable 3D Printer Model' is (ino,stl) file type, size is 171.4KB.


This is currently just a motorized turntable.
It uses a 28BYJ-48 5V Stepper Motor.
At this time Arduino programing, wiring, etc, are not being specified.
Sample code that I have used is supplied.
The Arduino code is minimal prototype code.

Added a more advanced Arduino code:
sw0 - 1 rotation
sw1 - 2 rotations
sw2 - 1 rotation with pauses for manually taking photos

renamed original base & table files '165'.
added larger base & table files '200'.
added even larger base & table files '240'

AdvMotorCtl.ino 1.3KB
Base165.stl 231.3KB
Base200.stl 231.3KB
Base240.stl 232.1KB
motorCtl.ino 679.0B
Table165.stl 59.8KB
Table200.stl 59.8KB
Table240.stl 59.8KB