Fruit Fly Trap / Fruchtfliegenfalle 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-NC
File formats: blend,stl
Download type: zip

The file 'Fruit Fly Trap / Fruchtfliegenfalle 3D Printer Model' is (blend,stl) file type, size is 524.2KB.


You can look up a custom formula, but you basically fill it with a 1:1 mixture of fruit juice (e.g. apple) and vinegar and a teeny tiny drop of dish soap to disturb the surface tension.

Tolerances for the lid are tight. you can print the it larger no problem.
Don't tip it though, you're officially warned!

Edit: Tickened the wall of the base (to the inside, no need to reprint the top). Mine did not hold up to the vinegar mix. Might be the problem of the water washable resin. Not sure.

PS: Picture of red juice (bought a fly trap in store and the flies simply sat on top) cought those flies in about a day.

Fruchtfallenfliege1.blend 1.6MB
FruitFlyTrapBase.stl 87.4KB
FruitFlyTrapBaseTiccWall.stl 87.4KB
FruitFlyTrapTop1.stl 431.1KB