Work in progress.
I figured to try & develop a free positionable fan, to use on the Vertex K8400 printer, when producing very small parts. On occasion, these parts can be subject to excess heat, causing the build to melt & collapse a bit on itself.
The intention is, when printing small parts, that I'd be able to position this fan into a suitable position on the print table - where the printer doesn't go during the build, obviously :-) - so it can help cool the small component.
Please note:
The fan is a small 20mm 5V unit & is powered from a portable USB supply. The output is sufficient to put a small candle out, so with any luck this will help to tick the temperature of a small component a few degrees down. It is yet untested, though.
I have a few multi-hour prints queued at the moment & have had this fan sitting around the desk for a few days now, unable to really test it on a small component. I figured to post it anyway & I'll update when I have tested and would need to see a need for changes.
Fan_housing_V2.stl | 120.5KB | |
Flex_Ventilator_20mm_housing.FCStd | 92.8KB |