Frazioni (fraction) 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY
File formats: stl
Download type: zip

The file 'Frazioni (fraction) 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 370.3KB.


Pezzi per aiutare i bambini a capire le frazioni. In aggiunta a l'intero ( 2x8 cm ), ho fatto i pezzi da 1/4 ( 2x2 cm ), 1/3 ( 2x2,6666 cm ), 1/2 ( 4x8 cm) che possono essere incastrati in in vari modi per eseguire le somme di queste frazioni.
Downlights pieces to help children understand fractions. In addition to the entire ( 2x8 cm ) , I made the pieces to be 1/4 ( 2x2 cm ) , 1/3 ( 2x2,6666 cm ) , 1/2 ( 4x8 cm ) which can be built in in various ways to perform the sums of these fractions .

intero.stl 105.4KB
interomontato.stl 371.0KB
mezzo.stl 93.1KB
mezzomontato.stl 252.4KB
piolo.stl 53.2KB
quarto.stl 39.9KB
quartomontato.stl 146.2KB
terzo.stl 40.1KB
terzo2.stl 55.6KB
terzo2montato.stl 214.9KB
terzo3.stl 40.1KB
terzo3montato.stl 146.4KB
terzomontato.stl 146.4KB