FPG Carry Handle 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-SA
File formats: stl
Download type: zip

The file 'FPG Carry Handle 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 289.3KB.


Made this a while back and decided to release it. There's many options for a railed version, with or without sights along with different lengths. I printed them with straight supports with them oriented on their ends for better looking top and dimensions for the rail slot. The retention bar is required to hold it in. I used a cut down spring from a pen to hold the retention bar in.

Bar.stl 2.6KB
Handle.stl 97.2KB
HandleExtraShort.stl 87.2KB
HandleRailExShort.stl 87.4KB
HandleRailExShortSight.stl 87.4KB
HandleRailMed.stl 103.7KB
HandleRailMedSight.stl 103.7KB
HandleRailShort.stl 91.3KB
handleRailShortSight.stl 91.3KB
HandleRailSight.stl 107.9KB
HandleShort.stl 87.4KB