To filter the content of the resin tank for small particles, that sometimes float around in the resin after printing, I made a resin tank comb. It fits exactly in the resin tank of the Form 1 (also the Form 1+).
This resin tank comb is based on the idea of Michael Breitenstein, which I found on the forum of Formlabs:
I made my own version of the resin tank comb, since my print of the original one failed due to little print support.
For more information on this resin tank comb, here's my post on Formlabs' forum:
Besides the STL file, I included the form file for owners of a Form 1 (for orientation).
resin-comb-form-one-v01.form | 9.2MB | |
resin-comb-form-one-v01.stl | 4.8MB |