Fool’s Blade Curse/Turn Counter (Generic 5 Turn) 3D Printer Model

License: CC BY-SA
File formats: stl
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The file 'Fool’s Blade Curse/Turn Counter (Generic 5 Turn) 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 668.7KB.


Used for counting turns from Current to +4 (+5 if you remember to use the current slot).

Print each marker twice. 1 goes into the peg board and the other goes upside down onto the associated card. The height difference is how you can identify the different cards with their different curse/effect turn times.

Each column of triangles is technically a "player" so you can have up to 7 players. However, if you print different colors for the markers, you can have more. The limit is ensuring that a single turn will not have more than 42 turn related actions that require being tracked.

Curse_Dial_Holder_1.stl 852.1KB
Curse_Dial_x2.stl 2.0MB
Curse_Marker_1.stl 28.7KB
Curse_Marker_2.stl 28.7KB
Curse_Marker_3.stl 28.7KB
Curse_Marker_4.stl 28.7KB
Curse_Marker_5.stl 28.7KB