Folger Tech Kossel 2020 T-nut Support To Make Assembly Of Frame Easier 3D Printer Model

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File formats: stl,scad
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After struggling to put the horizontal aluminum extrusions in without the tnuts rotating, I thought there should be a better way to do this. Since I have a 3d printer already, I started looking at an easier way to do this with an additional plastic part. I did have to run several test prints to get this tnut support to a nice fit. The little raised metal between the t-nuts holds this in place & the plastic part keeps the t-nuts in the correct orientation while assembling. It was quite easy to assembly the horizontal frame with these in place. The weight of 18 of these plastic supports is less than 0.4oz at 20% infill. I used eSun Black PLA+ for these parts.

I attached the openscad file, a STL file with 2x t-nut supports & one with 6x t-nut supports. I would print the 2x STL file 1st to see if it fits well for you & adjust the openscad file if it does not.

I also made some cutting & gluing plastic jigs for the arms that I will upload seperately.

TnutsSupport_2x_Rev6.stl 8.7KB
TnutsSupport_6x_Rev6.stl 25.0KB
TnutsSupport_Rev6.scad 797.0B