The file 'Foldable Laptop, Switch, Tablet, And Mobile Phone Stand. Prints Fully Assembled. 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 3.3 MB.
(Update 4/10/2021) - I'm getting reports that the wider version has a hinge that can sometimes fuse one some printers. If your printer tends to have issues with zits, and hair, I don't recommend trying this print. All of these prints have printed fine for me on my well tuned Cr10, MK2 and MK3. As always, print at your own risk and good luck.
(Update 8/7/2018 - added a wider version for better stability. This wider design is better for laptops).
This is a foldable laptop, ipad, switch, and phone stand that prints fully assembled. It folds flat for easy storage and portability.
This stand has 4 hinges that are fully assembled and ready to go right off the print bed.
Print at 100% scale with 25% infill and 4 shells for small to medium laptops ranging up to about 4-5 pounds. Scale up as needed for larger devices.
If any of you want the assembly in individual parts for multicolor or remixing - just add a request in the comments and I'd be happy to provide them.
Please use your own judgement when deciding what to hold with this design. As you know, prints vary in strength based on orientation, material used, layer adhesion, infill specified, printer output quality, etc.
Optional extras:
LaptopHoldAssem4.STL |
LaptopHoldAssem5Wider.STL |