Some time ago I saw a picture of floating table which created weird levitating effect and decided to design & 3D print something similar - see attached files.
If you use thin and strong threads (thin fishing thread or Kevlar hair) you can get very good results and from first view it's impossible to see how the table is hanging in the air. The first impression is table levitation...
3D printed (same detail two times) without rafts and supports, model needs small tweaking to get better print without supports around central hole, 0.3mm layers, 20% filled.
After 3D printing I painted the table with acrylic paints to get more realistic view.
Nubirdz built the table and made great video with detailed explanation about how it works - please take a look at:
(Thank you Nubirdz for the brilliant explanation in the video!)
Floating_table.STL | 371.2KB | |
Floating_table.thing | 101.6KB | |
Floating_table.x3g | 1.9MB |