Flexible Exhaust Fan With Helping Hands 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-NC
File formats: FCStd,stl
Download type: zip

The file 'Flexible Exhaust Fan With Helping Hands 3D Printer Model' is (FCStd,stl) file type, size is 1.6MB.


Saw a youtube video how someone turned some pvc piping and pc fans into a really cool fume exhaust for soldering. When i went to the store to buy some PVC, I saw this flexible pipe and it totally gave me a great idea.

While I was at it, I added some helping hands.

At some point I might try recreating this but next time I'll put the fans inside the pipe to make it look nicer. Overall I'm happy with this little set up.

fanflex.FCStd 669.8KB
fan_arm_joiner.stl 836.0KB
fan_tube_joiner.stl 315.9KB
thirdarm.FCStd 593.0KB