There will be no more updates to this page. The new home of the Flexi Rex is now on GitHub where you will find the latest updates and where you can download as much as you want even when using an ad blocker.
If you want to sell or give away prints of this model or derivatives of it, and you're about to ask me something about this: first read the license clarification part on the GitHub page. Whatever question you are about to ask, is almost certainly answered there, and in that case it is a waste of your and my time to write a message asking the same question and then waiting for my reply which will contain nothing but a copy-paste of this link:
You do not need to ask me for explicit permission to sell prints. You do not need to share profits. You only need to provide attribution, and what that means is explained on the GitHub page.
If you remix this and publish the remix on Printables, you can link to this same model on Printables itself (46241).
Old information now follows. Don't read this, just go to the GitHub page and read the info there.
This is another remix of Kirbs' Flexi Rex (Thingiverse thing:1759297), based on airfish's remix (Thingiverse thing:2189652). That model in turn was most likely inspired by the ‘Flexy Rex’ by zheng3 (Thingiverse thing:929413).
My print of Kirbs' model was not very kid-proof: one of the links broke after some rough handling. Hence I made all links more robust. This means this model can probably be printed even smaller than the original ones before the links become too weak. Of course you can also scale it up at will.
If you want to create your own flexible model, make sure to check the Hinge Design section below.
Licensing information
In a nutshell:
If you're buying prints of this model from someone: this model contains about 70 cents worth of material when printed in a premium filament. Add to this the costs of electricity and perhaps depreciation of printing infrastructure, and you might end up with $2 at most. Anyone who pays much more than that for a print is being ripped off.
Attribution_card.pdf | 63.7KB | |
Flexi-Rex-improved.stl | 748.4KB |