Fitbit Charge HR Charging Stand 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY
File formats: stl
Download type: zip

The file 'Fitbit Charge HR Charging Stand 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 121.9KB.


Thanks to the work from SerxioSierra and barspin, I remixed their works and made it work for my Fitbit Charge HR.

I changed is the location of the USB charger hole. I also made the hole smaller so it'd really hold the USB cable securely so you can press the Fitbit Charge HR directly into it without worrying about the cable popping out.

Also, I added a little cable retainer at the back. Unfortunately this bit will require supports when you print it.

Since the rest of the model prints nicely on its side without supports, I have two STL files you can choose from:

  • fitbit_charge_hr_stand.stl has the cable retainer, the retainer part needs supports!
  • fitbit_charge_hr_stand_no_retainer does not have the retainer, and does not need supports

I did stick a few silicon sticky feet to make sure it doesn't go anywhere on the desk.

fitbit_charge_hr_stand.stl 172.8KB
fitbit_charge_hr_stand_no_retainer.stl 167.9KB