First Aid Kit For Lifeboat Remasterd From 1993 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-NC-ND
File formats: stl
Download type: zip

The file 'First Aid Kit For Lifeboat Remasterd From 1993 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 286.0KB.


the best for Bambulab mini PLA Basic / use tree supports / be happy

In case of frozen ponds, the string plays a key role

Don't drink urine and don't give up hope

Packages: Hemorrhages / Fractures / Burns.

apteczha_kapsuła_pokrywa_sciecie.stl 174.5KB
apteczka_trzon_szyna_rdzeń_otwór_120_mm.stl 26.3KB
apteczka_trzon_szyna_rdzeń_otwór_180_mm.stl 28.5KB
apteczka_trzon_szyna_rdzeń_otwór_60_mm.stl 23.5KB
klapka_bulaj.stl 189.8KB
pojemnik_plaski_guzik.stl 179.3KB
pokrywka_art.stl 225.0KB