Fire TV Cube Gen3 Base / Stand (3 Different Base Plates/no Supports) 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-NC
File formats: stl
Download type: zip

The file 'Fire TV Cube Gen3 Base / Stand (3 Different Base Plates/no Supports) 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 745.0KB.


just a quick 3d builder design because i couldn't find something for my usecase. i needed a rectangular base so that the cube can be better placed next to the ps5

print settings don't really matter. just enable BRIDGES.. maybe also for the “supported designs”

Fire_TV_Cube_Stand_NO-overhangsupport (you can use bridges, supports or the “make overhangs printable” option)

with newbie overhang-support:
FV_Fire_TV_Cube_Stand_overhang_cubicbase (NO supports needed)
FV_Fire_TV_Cube_Stand_overhang_rectangularbase (NO supports needed)
FV_Fire_TV_Cube_Stand_overhang_roundbase (NO supports needed)

Fire_TV_Cube_Stand_NO-overhangsupport.stl 299.5KB
FV_Fire_TV_Cube_Stand_overhang_cubicbase.stl 449.0KB
FV_Fire_TV_Cube_Stand_overhang_rectangularbase.stl 454.1KB
FV_Fire_TV_Cube_Stand_overhang_roundbase.stl 478.7KB