If you build this there is no warranty from me if you kill your battery/drone or anything else. I take no responsibility for any resulting failure/demage/missed profit/etc. You can only build and use your own risk.
2019.07.24. Now I used to charge many times my 2 batteries with this charger on my motorbike, without problem. What I dont like, in this "smart" charger is 2 thing:
- when the battery is about 80% charged it does not start charging it (to make the battery lifetime longer)
- when the motorcycle battery is drops under a voltage it protects it and does not charge fimi batteries
I measured the power usage (from 12V input) when it has 3 leds light in the battery. And it is 14V1.59A=22.26W, the original charger maximum 13.05V3A=39.12W. So the battery regulates the chargning current.
2019.05.30. So far, I have fully charged one battery and charged 2 pieces for about 10 minutes.
So, there is no existing dual car charger for fimi x8 se. I made one.
- Order a dji mavic air charger from aliexpress. (The charger voltage is 13.2V, original fimi is 13.05, so this will work.)
- buy a 2x8pc pins (check the photos)
- buy one small universal PCB
- cut the mavic connectors, the red will be the + the black is ground, white not need.
- cut universal pcb to correct size (10 pin, for the connectors, and 3-3 pins on the side), check photos
- make the "wire lines" on the PCB with soldering iron (- - + + NC NC + + - -), check the pinout on your original fimi adapter
- cut down the back of the pins (first make it flat), solder it into PCB (Need to make paralell with each other. If it is near good after soldering, then you can adjust it with pliers.)
- connect the +/- wires to PCB
Connect the adapter to car, check the output voltage polarity!!!!!!
If the polarity is good try to charge your battery, if it is charging then you can put the housing.
- print the housing, clear the hole (you can drill with a 3mm, or 3.5 mm drill, to fit the other part)
- put the top part to the battery
- connect the charger to battery
- we glue the housing together you need to work fast!
- glue the 2 parts (watch not to glue the housing to the battery couse then you are in trouble)
- then I put some hotglue on top of the PCB to fill the space from the house bottom part, while it is hot fit the parts and keep it tight while it is drying.
Thats all your charger is ready.