I designed these feet in fusion360 to raise the honeycomb to an optimal and adjustable height for the Atomstack A5 20W. The goal is to elevate the work surface as much as possible to minimize laser wobble.
These feet offer additional benefits as well. Each foot has three screw holes and a bolt hole that aligns with the ones on the laser's legs, allowing you to securely attach the printed feet to the laser and even screw it down to a surface for added stability. Furthermore, the risers are positioned so that the honeycomb is cantered under the laser, making its position easily repeatable when removed for maintenance and then replaced. The locating tabs are simple yet effective in ensuring the honeycomb is correctly aligned.
This setup also enables the user to precisely mark the honeycomb’s position in Lightburn or other laser software. Any of the corners can serve as a reference point for placing the material to be engraved, allowing you to align your design in the software using the same corner. This reduces the need for constant "framing." This feature is particularly useful if your laser, like mine, is equipped with limit switches to automatically "home" the machine.
To clarify, the honeycomb on my machine measures 390 x 390mm (total dimensions, not the dimensions marked in white on it), and the frame border is 22mm wide. These feet are specifically designed to work with that honeycomb and the Atomstack A5.
The file includes two feet, which are different from each other as one is the mirror image of the other. The two pucks are 10mm tall and identical. You'll need to print the file twice, or if your printer is large enough, you can double everything in the file and print. You can print as many pucks as needed (in sets of four) to achieve your desired height.
Mine were printed in PLA on a Creality Ender 3 in 8.5 hours (x2) at 25% infill with some small tree supports for the pucks.
Your printer needs to print dimensionally accurately otherwise they may come out too big, If this is the case you can try tweaking the "scaling factor / shrinkage compensation".
Happy printing.
edit: added a notch at the back of the puck so they can be removed easily.
added a bit of clearance where the feet join the laser.
Atomstack_A5_feet_+_honeycomb_support.stl | 169.0KB |