Fatboy Fly… (Voltus V2 With 16mm CF Tube) 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY
File formats: stl
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The file 'Fatboy Fly… (Voltus V2 With 16mm CF Tube) 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 2.0MB.


In this version i use 16mm CF tube, usualy use by tarot for arm...
because it's look so bulk, so i called it Fatboy...

Test fly video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LDs73rZ5S6I

F450 foldable drone frame, using 16mm OD carbon tube for each arnd and carbon plate for top and bottom body plate (or just print this plate if u have too) Fit for 140mm x 50mm x 50mm battery, action cam 3D gimbal, 4 x 30A ESC, Flight Controller on top of it, 11x4.7 propeller, 2213 motor or bigger..

Total weight (frame only plus CF tube) is 450 grams
folding dimension L270mm, W165mm, H115mm
unfolding dimension L485mm, W360mm, H115mm

Frame overview : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OWq9Dlb9HAE

PS: for motor mount is not purely my design... i just remix it from billkaroly design (thanks for sharing) https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2791487

SEE MY OTHER REMIX AT https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2844836

all.stl 3.1MB
batt_hold.stl 26.4KB
Body_bot.stl 224.2KB
body_mid.stl 43.1KB
Body_top.stl 41.5KB
FL_Clamp.stl 70.4KB
FR_clamp.stl 70.0KB
hinge.stl 95.2KB
Holder.stl 171.0KB
motor_bottom_F.stl 42.9KB
motor_hold_bottom.stl 42.3KB
motor_hold_top.stl 257.2KB
RL_clamp.stl 70.0KB
RR_clamp.stl 70.0KB