Fantasy Football Ratman Ninja Team 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-SA
File formats: stl
Download type: zip

The file 'Fantasy Football Ratman Ninja Team 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 258.0MB.


These models are remixed to be a Fantasy Football Ninja Ratman team for the Secret League found on Fumbbl at the links below.

They are mostly in the same style so they will look good together on the pitch. I anticipate that I will be adding some updated models.

I frankly don't remember where I found the original files that I modified.

EschinApo.stl 8.4MB
EshinApo.stl 20.8MB
EshinAssassin1.stl 20.8MB
EshinAssassin2.stl 20.8MB
EshinBase1to8.stl 23.6MB
EshinBase9to16.stl 21.6MB
EshinBaseSpecial.stl 15.3MB
EshinClan1.stl 19.4MB
EshinClan10.stl 13.7MB
EshinClan2.stl 19.7MB
EshinClan3.stl 16.2MB
EshinClan4.stl 20.2MB
EshinClan5.stl 19.6MB
EshinClan6.stl 17.8MB
EshinClan7.stl 17.6MB
EshinClan8.stl 14.9MB
EshinClan9.stl 15.8MB
EshinCoach.stl 21.6MB
EshinGutterRunner1.stl 21.4MB
EshinGutterRunner2.stl 20.5MB
EshinGutterRunner3.stl 19.8MB
EshinGutterRunner4.stl 21.6MB
EshinWizard.stl 20.0MB