A fan shroud that attaches to a cool desktop fan I picked up an a clearance store. I don't know the model or origin of the fan, see last photo for info.
Print pictures coming soon.
Fan Shroud Base:
This is the part that snaps onto the actual fan frame.
The flat surface is where the custom faces will be attached.
Vault Tec Shroud:
A simple shroud with the Vault-Tec logo on the front. The logo is recessed by 2mm.
Future Plans:
Fan Shroud Base - I need to think of a way to make a locking mechanism for the base and shroud so a new base does not need to be made for each shroud to be glued to.
Vault-Tec Shroud - The logo should be moved down slightly so the text "Vault-Tec" can be written above
21/07/2024 - Added photos of the fan.
Sheo_Fan_Shroud_Base.stl | 134.7KB | |
Sheo_Vault-Tec_Fan_Shroud.stl | 1.2MB |