The file 'Fallout 4 Battletank For Wasteland Warfare 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 35.5MB.
This is the Battletank from Fallout 4 as a complete digital overhaul. Most parts are oversculpted or entirely redone. Details coming from Texture in Game are added as 3D structure. Fragile parts were thickend up to make printable.
UM2_FalloutTank_Body.stl | 29.0MB | |
UM2_FalloutTank_Guns.stl | 498.5KB | |
UM2_FalloutTank_Launcher.stl | 3.2MB | |
UM2_FalloutTank_Tracks.stl | 67.9MB | |
UM2_FalloutTank_Turrent.stl | 11.5MB | |
UM2_FalloutTank_Turrent_Railings01.stl | 166.9KB | |
UM2_FalloutTank_Turrent_Railings02.stl | 28.1KB | |
UM2_FalloutTank_Turrent_Railings03.stl | 2.2MB |