Fabulous Space Warrior 2: “Chaplain RJ Dio” 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-NC
File formats: stl
Download type: zip

The file 'Fabulous Space Warrior 2: “Chaplain RJ Dio” 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 17.1MB.


"No sign of the morning coming, no sign of the day!"

Second in a line of dynamic and silly poses for Space Marines. Took longer than intended due to printer issues somewhat dampening my drive to model.

Can be proxied as a Chaplain for any SM chapter. To this end, there are three variants included: one where the model prints with a base that is oversized to fit, one where the base is the proper size for use on the tabletop (32mm), and one without a base.

The name and model is a reference to metal and heavy rock legend Ronnie James Dio, hence the guitar and why the heretic under his solidly planted boot is ok with it.

Credit to joazzz for the base models used to make this.

chaplain_dio_final_32mm_base.stl 12.5MB
chaplain_dio_final_maybe.stl 12.5MB
chaplain_dio_final_no_base.stl 12.5MB