F.Lab’s DIYbio Centrifuge 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY
File formats: skb,stl
Download type: zip

The file 'F.Lab’s DIYbio Centrifuge 3D Printer Model' is (skb,stl) file type, size is 546.2KB.


This is our DIYbio 3D printed centrifuge.

We have instructions below, but you can also check out our Instructables via ProgressTH here: http://www.instructables.com/id/3D-Printed-DIYbio-Mini-Centrifuge/

We are currently using it for DNA extraction. If built and operated carefully it is a safe and fun piece of lab equipment. Just by building it you can learn a lot about how it works and perhaps get inspiration to design your own lab equipment in the future (and hopefully share it with others!)

It uses a 1806/2400 brushless DC motor taken from a drone and its accompanying ESC (electronic speed control), an Arduino Nano, and some other parts common at makerspaces. It is a great project to build at a makerspace. See the custom section below for instructions, parts, and more details.

We've also included a SketchUp 8 file so you can easily edit it to meet your requirements (like making the case taller to hold a larger Arduino board).

See it in operation here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LXfSYA7idDM

Centrifuge_Drone_Motor.skb 1.2MB
V2_Body.stl 151.2KB
V2_case_Cover.stl 80.7KB
V2_Cover.stl 59.1KB
V2_Feet.stl 18.8KB
V2_knob.stl 88.8KB
V2_MotorMount.stl 82.1KB
V2_Rotor.stl 91.1KB