The file 'Everdell Organizer (first 3 Expansions) 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 91.67 KB.
This is an organizer for the board game Everdell and all 3 of its expansions (including CE and KS stuff) except Mistwood & Newleaf since they were not even released when this was designed.
It was quite the challenge to squeeze everything into the main box but I am pretty happy with the result! The only things that I couldn't manage to fit in are the 3D wonders and open/closed signs from the Pearlbrook expansion.
There are some pictures that show how to fit everything back into the box which is quite the puzzle, to be honest.
Here's what the boxes are for:
Critters: Holds all critter meeples with the respective frog/rabbits and also the saddles for the mounts.
ResMounts: Holds the mounts from Spirecrest and all resources.
SmallCards: Holds all small cards, garland tiles, expedition start tiles, axolotl tiles, and market tiles. It does NOT fit sleeved cards because there are no sleeves that fit well enough for my taste. If you sleeved your feel free to send me the exact dimensions and I'll see if I can manage to fit them in.
Cards: Holds all regular cards divided into 3 sections.
Points: Holds all point tokens (and some other small stuff that couldn't fit anywhere else) and will go on top of one of the card sections.
Expeditions: Holds all expedition tiles. ATTENTION: Looks like the tiles for the second printing are a bit thicker, so print Expeditions_NEW if your tiles don't fit properly!
EDIT: I added a split 2 part version of the cards box to work with small print beds.
EDIT 2: I added another 3-way split version of the cards box and a 4-way split of the critters box for even the smallest of print beds :)
EDIT 3: I added an alternative version of the small cards bot to accommodate sleeved cards.
EDIT 4: I added a new version of the Expedition tile box since the tiles in the second printing seem to be a bit thicker.
EDIT 5: I added another version of the small cards box to fit sleeves with dimensions of 46x72mm.
EDIT 6: Since the bigger wood pieces seem to take more room than the original ones I have adjusted the Small Cards box (SmallCards_extratray) to accommodate an additional small tray (ExtraTray) that can be used for some of the resources (pebbles, pearls or something else).
Let me know if you have any questions or comments.
EV_Cards.stl |
EV_Cards_short1.stl |
EV_Cards_short2.stl |
EV_Cards_split1.stl |
EV_Cards_split2.stl |
EV_Cards_split3.stl |
EV_Critters.stl |
EV_Critters_split.stl |
EV_Expedition.stl |
EV_Expedition_NEW.stl |
EV_extratray.stl |
EV_Points.stl |
EV_ResMounts.stl |
EV_SmallCards.stl |
EV_SmallCards46x72.stl |
EV_SmallCards_extratry.stl |
EV_SmallCards_Sleeved.stl |