ESP32 Doorbell With PIR And Dual 18650 Pack 3D Printer Model

Author: @
File formats: blend,stl
Download type: zip

The file 'ESP32 Doorbell With PIR And Dual 18650 Pack 3D Printer Model' is (blend,stl) file type, size is 2.0MB.


This thing is my first iteration of a WiFi Doorbell Camera housing featuring an ESP32 microcontroller, PIR sensor and the button from an old PC.

doorbell.blend 6.2MB
DoorbellButton.stl 47.8KB
DoorbellButtonBase.stl 31.8KB
DoorbellButtonBase2.stl 89.0KB
DoorbellButtonTop.stl 15.5KB
DoorbellButtonTop2.stl 63.3KB
doorbell_housing.stl 25.5KB
ESP-MOUNT.stl 15.6KB