Snap Fit ESP32 Slim case for those wanting a nice small case when not using any pins on the D1 ESP32. Simple to print with holes for reset and LEDs to shine through. Bluetooth ESP so I added the WIFI/BT logo on top. Enjoy it! Snaps together and the ESP32 fits very snug. I first put in the USB end and push in the top to drop it in. Top will keep things secured in place.
Update: I added another mm to the length of the case as I noticed that some of my ESP32s seemed a bit too snug and I don't want anyone to destroy anything. I deleted old versions - so the downloads are current.
Aug 2023 Update - I provided a new model that extends the USB opening wider for those that need it.
ESP32_Bottom_no_pins.stl | 42.3KB | |
ESP32_Top.stl | 215.4KB | |
ESP32_wider_opening_for_USB.stl | 23.9KB |