Epic Scale – Mechanical Humans – Large Walker 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY
File formats: stl
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The file 'Epic Scale – Mechanical Humans – Large Walker 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 291.2KB.


A proxy model for Epic scale Warlord Titan (40k or armageddon etc).

super glue for assembly.
Some of the parts are right or left specific, some are ambidextrous.
if the stl has X2 in the name then print two, one for left and one for right (most leg bits, shoulder guns, arm mounts).
some parts require rotation to print with best facing upward (my program allows rotation so that's what i do).
tolerances - bring sandpaper or a small file to get some of the bits to fit.

have included a 'full model' stl just for thingiview.

the model is based in part on this model https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2328976 though i couldn't get the 75Mb stl to actually open in sketchup. the pics were useful though. based more on this model than the original Epic version but i also checked out the originals for some inspiration as well.

can look fairly 'upright' without any posing but you can position the legs to lower the stance and make it more "bam ! action!".

the model is low-poly in places but when it prints it smooths to an acceptable level at this scale. as usual paint will add a lot to the final product but there should be enough step-planes in the model to make the silhouette interesting.

i did contemplate modelling the newer 'mars pattern' version but frankly i like my titans how is like my dreadnoughts and fliers, boxy-as.

there are a couple of pre-paint pics, the body parts had a small but acceptable amount of lift which i bogged with liquid green stuff.

armMountX2_fixed.stl 20.6KB
bodyLower_fixed.stl 45.6KB
bodyUpper_fixed.stl 78.9KB
footX2_fixed.stl 16.8KB
full_fixed.stl 618.4KB
gunArmorLeft_fixed.stl 8.2KB
gunArmorRight_fixed.stl 8.0KB
gunLeft_fixed.stl 96.4KB
gunRight_fixed.stl 60.5KB
head_fixed.stl 15.6KB
hipsArmor_fixed.stl 7.9KB
hips_fixed.stl 41.7KB
lowerLegArmorX2_fixed.stl 14.0KB
lowerLegX2_fixed.stl 46.1KB
shoulderGunX2_fixed.stl 53.0KB
upperLegArmorX2_fixed.stl 8.7KB
upperLegLeft_fixed.stl 44.6KB
upperLegRight_fixed.stl 44.6KB