Ender 5+ (plus) Blokhead Direct Drive BMG And E3DV6 Mod 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-SA
File formats: stl
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The file 'Ender 5+ (plus) Blokhead Direct Drive BMG And E3DV6 Mod 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 244.7KB.


While the default BLOKHEAD mod will work with an E3DV6 hotend, I wanted to leverage my BMG Extruder in more of a direct drive setup. This is a remix of dpetsel's BLOKHEAD mod to allow for just that!

you will still need to download the cap, fan, and BLTouch mounts from dpetsel.com

You will also need a small boden tube going from the hot end to the BMG extruder itself.

Direct_Drive_BMG_Carriage_Adapter.stl 68.1KB
Ender_5_Plus_Blokhead_BMG_and_E3dV6_Carriage_Mount.stl 781.8KB