Ender 3 S1 Vault-Tec Screen Dust Protector V2 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-SA
File formats: stl
Download type: zip

The file 'Ender 3 S1 Vault-Tec Screen Dust Protector V2 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 72.1KB.


Hello fellow Dwellers and 3D printers. I noticed the original version on thingiverse was downloaded few times and decided to give you chance to make multicoloured version with both the logo and the text.

Logo and text is printable with two lined skirt if you do not have adhesion problems. The cover just like the old one, use supports of any kind for the edges :-). Happy printing.

I have included v-test and v-test-in stls so you can try printing the insertable text before printing the complete cover.

If you are patient enough and have well calibrated printer i suggest using ironing on the finish. You can see the version without ironing on my screenshots. You can also try printing it upside down, no support should be needed and the surface can be very smooth on glass for example.

V-test-in.stl 2.0KB
V-test.stl 3.3KB
Vaul-tec_cover_n.stl 73.3KB
Vaul-tec_logo_n.stl 128.9KB
Vault-tec_text_n.stl 94.5KB