Discrete control panel mounted SD card reader that is easy to see and access.
It is a mount for a micro SD- SD card extension cable that places the SD card slot at the top of the control panel. I have designed it to be compatible with the display board rear covers such as https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3019402.
Designed to fit without screws by removing the top rail and gantry, then sliding down the T slots from the top. This gives a very solid mounting. Note the tightness of fit does depend on the printing orientation. If printed upright as I did, the layers are at 90 degrees to the T-slot features, and this makes them more difficult to slide into the T-slots. I gave these a light sand to smooth out the tiny ridges between layers to allow an easier fit into the T-slots.I wanted a quite firm fit.
If this thing is printed so that the layers run along the length of the T-slot features the fit will be easier. This will require supports.
I ran the ribbon cable in a cable guide along with the display ribbon cable, see: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2989832
The cable I used was : https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/TF-Micro-SD-To-Micro-SD-Extension-Cable-Flexible-Extender-For-Car-GPS-TV-48CM/401667212982?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649
This cable was only just long enough at 48cm, but it did work just fine: i did slide back the heat shrink at the micro SD end to allow a tighter bend.
I have subsequently designed a super slim protective cover for the micro SD plug where it connects into the main electronics enclosure as shown in the last photo: see: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3468035
For this, I modified the micro SD plug so that it becomes a 90 degree plug that sits flush with the front of the electronics enclosure, and as a result the cable length is now perfect.
Note if a flat cable is folded back on itself at 45 degrees across the cable, it actually results in a nice neat 90 degree change in direction as shown in the photos.
Ender_3_SD_card_mount_v1.stl | 71.7KB |