En – En MEd Pl – ORBAT Tokens 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-SA
File formats: 3mf,stl
Download type: zip

The file 'En – En MEd Pl – ORBAT Tokens 3D Printer Model' is (3mf,stl) file type, size is 337.6KB.


Ref: A. NATO APP-6C (2011) NATO Joint Military Symbology (open source)

B. https://odin.tradoc.army.mil/FS/CAUCASUS/ARIANA/SUPREME_HIGH_COMMAND

These NATO Map Symbol tokens were designed using https://spatialillusions.com/ and Tinkercad. They follow the fictional forces of Ariana, as provided by the DATE.

The tokens are made 28mm x 28mm, or 20mm x 20mm printed on a 45 degree angle, to fit on a 1:50k map, and print at 1.5mm in height.

Unit Tokens include:

Medical Platoon
Medical Section
Administration Section
Combat Service Support Section

En_-_En_Med_Pl_-_Tokens.3mf 78.6KB
En_-_En_Med_Pl_-_Tokens.stl 386.3KB
En_-_En_Med_Pl_-_Tokens_colour.3mf 103.3KB
En_-_En_Med_Pl_-_Tokens_colour.gcode.3mf 75.7KB