The file 'Electric Skateboard Cloudwheel Wheel Chock (105mm) 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 54.7KB.
This model is a wheel chock designed for 105mm Cloudwheels on an electric skateboard so you can transport it face up without it rolling around. I designed this from scratch but based it off of jczab's design as I liked his idea better than the one I started formulating. I also thought his idea for the steel BBs for additional weight was a nice touch.
If you're going to print this and put in BBs, I recommend you print with 0% infill and that you make the Perimeters 5 layers thick (Vertical shells) for rigidity. Also, increase the solid layers (Horizontal shells) on the top and bottom. I bumped mine up to 10 layers (see photo).
NOTE: If you're printing on a bed slinger (which most FDM 3d printers are), I recommend waiting to put any BBs in until it's almost done printing (15 layers or so from the top). Once the BBs are in, slow the printing speed down to accomodate the extra weight. I slowed mine down to 50% speed. Otherwise, input shaping speeds will probably make them spill out all over the place. For fun, I also decided to change filament color to black while I was at it.
These are the BBs I bought on Amazon:
105_Wheel_Chock.stl | 159.2KB |