A 3D model inspired by David Mitchell's beautiful "Electra" origami creation. Ideal for a Christmas tree star or decoration.
Mathgrrl (http://www.thingiverse.com/mathgrrl/about) has kindly added a guest blog on her MakerHome blog showing how this model was created - see http://makerhome.blogspot.co.uk/2014/07/day-327-saturday-guest-auntdaisy-and.html
The model is fairly easy to assemble and can be printed in either a single colour or in five contrasting / complementary colours.
It is based on an icosidodecahedron and consists of 12 pentagonal and 20 triangular rings of modules. Approximately 16.5cm across.
I've included assembly images and photos of both the 3D printed and a paper origami version.
For more information on David Mitchell's origami design, see http://www.origamiheaven.com/papercrystals.htm or his latest "Paper Crystals" book, http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/0953477495 (with lots of other exciting models.)
Electra_6_mod.STL | 174.7KB | |
Electra_spherical.STL | 538.2KB | |
Electra_with_knobs_on.STL | 2.2MB | |
Electra_with_knobs_on_2.STL | 4.6MB |