Update 09/06/2019: first example printed. It seems OK, can be assembled of course but at least with this PLA material and 1.0 mm thickness, it feels a little flimsy. Maybe some more thickness, like 1.5 - 2.0 mm can be used for this big size.
As the design is universal, it can be adopted to make any size of bobbin. The problem is that right now I have no clue how to use the Customizer app :( So all I can do is to attach my Fusion project with the components inside and maybe someone smarter can me help out how to do that. If not, then there is the project file so anyone can change whatever needs to be changed (e.g. holes on the faces etc).
<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>Bobbin_A.stl | 12.2KB | |
Bobbin_B.stl | 6.7KB | |
Orsoarc.stl | 27.4KB | |
Trafo_bobbin.f3d | 116.8KB | |
Transformer_Bobbin_v2.stl | 93.8KB |