Poor man's eGPU enclosure for UT3G
It's designed for:
-ADT link UT3G eGPU
-small GPU cards like single-fan RTX3050 from Palit
-standard size ATX PSU
-3D printer with 15x15x15cm printing area
-4 main parts of the shell
-one grill ring
-2x lock rings
-2x locking pins for roof
-2x locking pins for floor
Print orientation for shells are showed on the screenshots
-Start assembly by temporarily unscrewing rubber foots from the PCB
-slide PCB to the bottom-connector-side part.
-slide other bottom part
-screw in rubber feet again and put one more screw with nut in the additional empty hole
-install plastic clips (slide in on the fitting part inbetween shells
-plug USB cable (exit hole is just under the PSU - rectangle hole)
-install GPU
-Install PSU and connect power cables
-assemble separately top shell using plastic slide-clips and you can already screw the grill-ring
-install top shell to the bottom-shell
-install lock-rings (just twist them) and remember to put all of the screws
Part-to-part gap is set as 0.4mm, depending on your printer and calibration your mileage may vary with the fitting.